Case Study Toolkit gathers practitioners from around the world to collaboratively brainstorm their current client work.
The Case Study Toolkit Group is a space where I share two beautiful gifts with members:
- My vast clinical experience running a successful practice, interwoven with my extensive teaching and mentoring experience.
- Matching up prospective clients with practitioners I can trust and whom I’m available to support.
When you sign up for the Case Study Toolkit, you access:
- Two 90-minute calls during the 1st and 3rd week of each month: Calls are live and recorded for the benefit of anyone unable to attend a meeting, or for later review.
- Deep evaluation of initial intakes
- Analysis of food journals
- Analysis of supplemental questionnaires such as the Nutri-Q, MSQ, neurotransmitter evaluation, detoxification evaluation, etc.
- Review of supplements and prescription drug influence
- Focus on evidence-based recommendations given in a practical way
- Review of follow-up appointment and client outcomes
- Conversation on how to support clients while staying within the scope of practice
- Communication and collaboration with other members of the client’s healthcare team
- Discussion of tools for building and expanding a referral network
- And so much more!
Structure of each call:
- Updates and introductions: 20 minutes
- Case study: 45 minutes
- Networking scenario: 20 minutes
- Wrapping up: 5 minutes
More details:
Members are welcome to share their own case studies, taking care to remove any identifying client information from shared materials and any verbal or written descriptions. I will provide a case study for meetings where members don’t submit one of their own.
Members will also be able to submit networking scenarios.
We will integrate the discussion of client management and networking into a framework that will help you grow your practice while acquiring skills to manage the two most important relationships in our work—your clients and the professionals who refer clients to you.